Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Consistency is Key: The Sequel

Previously, I wrote about consistency's being important in most endeavors.  Massage therapy is no exception.  Regular massage has long-lasting benefits.  Imagine a boost to the immune system, improved circulation, muscle pain reduction on a regular basis.

Because I believe in this so much, I'm making it easy: Discount Packages.  "What?" you say.  "Discount packages?"  Yes, indeed.  And here's the offer:

Package of Five 60-Minute Massages: $450 -- that's a 10% discount!
Package of Ten 60-Minute Massages: $850 -- that's a 15% discount -- you end up getting 1-1/2 treatments free!!!

And to make sure that you're consistent (believe me, I know how life gets in the way of massages), I'm going to put an expiration date on your package: 15 weeks for a 5-Pack, 30 weeks for a 10-Pack.  That means you'll get a massage every 3 weeks.  Every 2 weeks would be very good, but this will make room for who knows what.

So, please take care of yourself this year.  Make massage part of your wellness routine.

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