Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Can't Stop the Music

I've been using the same massage music for a while now.  Although I chose it carefully and do like it, the other day for the first time I found myself humming it as I walked down the street!  So, I'm on a quest to find great, great music to massage to.

One of my instructors in school played all kinds of music in class, eschewing the typical new-agey spa music that we're used to.  We practiced to Annie Lenox (massaging to "Dark Road" is amazing), Sade, Ella Fitzgerald.  Some worked better than others, depending on our moods and the people we were working on.  But it drove home a point that a massage session does not require new age music.  I love a classical guitar, Indian sitar, so many choices.

So, I've embarked on a quest for great music for my clients.  And because I have an iPod dock & CD player in my office, feel free to bring your own tunes.  It will make your treatment that much more groovy.

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