Monday, March 14, 2011

BLS/CPR - Changes

I just returned from renewing my certification in basic life support, including CPR and using the AED, and there are some changes.

In the past, we followed ABC: Airway, Breathing, Circulation/Compression.  However, the American Heart Association has recently changed its guidelines to CAB, meaning that after a quick visual check, one checks the pulse and if no pulse goes straight to compression, then airway and breathing.  This key here is to get blood to the brain as quickly as possible.

The quick check above also replaces Look (for movement in the chest), Listen (for sound of breath), Feel (breath on your cheek).  The AHA found that too many people didn't know what they were looking for, listening to, or feeling.  So, this has been changed to a quick visual check after trying to get a response from the victim.

Although I hope never to have to employ these techniques in my office, I'm certainly ready.

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